Sarah and I got there with loads of time to spare, basically cos I was getting nervous about having to do a bible reading (1 Peter 3:1-7 - I had some trouble in liking what it said, but after a little reading and research, I felt better about what it was saying) . So we saw Craig, looking nervous but he SAID he was fine.
The service was lovely, and my reading went fine, though I stumbled a bit on something and giggled, after that, my nerves just floated away. REminder to self - remember to find funny side in nervous situations.
It's funny how when friends get married, a whole deal is made of this one day, THE DAY. It seems funny that it's the ceremony and things that make a wedding, this day is special. Why do we do this? I suppose it's so it's memorable and people look nice.
Larissa tends to draw men. I think it's because she talks with her hands.
Although it looks like Louise and I are in a shopping centre somewhere, it's our church foyer. And Louise doesn't have good television reception, that's her hair sticks.
Kt dearest you look lovely!!!!
One hot sister.
I'm coming home monday night lets party. Oy maybe cook some snags and watch tv - just as good :)
Love you!!
You looked stunning Katie! Note to self, don't stand next to Katie when photos are being taken because SHE looks normal even though she's in actual fact a scrawny midget thereby totally throwing everything else out of proportion.
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