Monday, 19 February 2007

1 am Musings

1 am in the morning. Sarah just had little crisis and needed some comfort, so we cleaned the windows. She seemed to think I was a bit freaky, cleaning windows as therapy, but remarked just now, "It actually is cathargic. Makes you release something" So there we go.

We'll have to get onto the vacuuming next. Stupid vacuum. (erm, is that how it's spelt? Vaccum?)

Later on this morning, I'll have to take Vic's washing round to Mum & Dad's, and maybe 'borrow' their vacuum. Probably wash my poor little ALX if I can.

Saw Dreamgirls Saturday night. Was really good. Lots of R&B, typical musical, sing when the emoting gets tough. Beyonce is good, but Jennifer Hudson, she totally steals the show. She's a good actress and her voice is amazing. Makes you wonder though, how much of this movie actually did happen to Diana Ross and the Supremes?

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