Yes, I had a little trouble believing that Victoria, the sweet little red-haired kid who pestered me a lot, is 21. And she's great!
Course, my reluctance to believe that it had been 21 years since Dad took us to the hospital, clutching our new Cabbage Patch Dolls (yep, tim got one too!) and we met our little sister. Tim and I had been talking pretty much the whole night before about what 'it' would be and what names we wanted. Course, can't remember any of my preferences, but there you go, it was 21 years ago.
P.S. Much prefer this template. Is calming, not reminding me of something that I can't quite grasp at the moment... And I should be in bed, but the four day weekend is coming! That and I am subjecting myself to uplifting music, which I realise, is a pretty dumb thing to do at this time of night when it's not Friday, Saturday or Sunday night...
P.P.S. Vic I included the first photo cos it's not Victoria 'Movie Star' smile. Heh heh.
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