Monday, 1 October 2007

Garden Party

It seemed a wonderful idea, when it germenated, and, like all nurtured stuff, the "Let's thow Louise a surprise garden party for her 30th birthday" grew and grew bigger. Complete with making napkins and scrounging for baskets, to 'trialing' cupcakes and scones, for no particular reason...

The day arrived, quite a lovely day really, for a picnic. Colour scheme, wonderful. 'Handmade with love' presents, finished. Now it was a-waiting on the birthday girl time.

Now, when it's all over, and the work is done, the party partied and Louise sufficiently surprised, it was a success. Yeah!

Oh, and this happened to my sage last night...

Hopefully it will continue to live, it's lived through a lot this sage. Thirst, extreme neglect, dust city-style.

1 comment:

merrilymerrily said...

Hey- you forgot to blog the pressies! I think I even forget what mine looked like!