Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Saved lots of energy!

Compared to last years electricity bill for June/July/August, it's been halfed! Yeah! Guess not using the dryer tooo much and turning of lights and powerpoint when not needed is really helping.

Made this bag for Sarah, and it looks pretty damn good, I think. Felted it in the new front loader washing machine, which did a fantastic job! Next project which I am working on now, is little sheep for a mobile for Baby Girl Asta. I'm going to add a shepherd as well. So far, the sheep are oblong bundles of white, when I get more white, I'll add legs, a head and ears. Also wet felted some little balls which may turn into a planet/solar system mobile.

I made a little trip to Daisy Designs yesterday and got some black roving for the slippers that I'm going to attempt.

Made this tiramasu for Dad for Father's Day. Was/is yummy. Sarah even liked it, and she doesn't like coffee! Sarah likes it a lot I think, she keeps snacking on it, which is probably not so good...
Am going to institute a healthy regime for 14/4-6 Sperry St this week. Exercise, good healthy food and ridding the apartment of too much junk food. Summer is coming!

1 comment:

merrilymerrily said...

is there any left? Have you considered black faced/legged sheep? i find them especially cute.