So, Friday night, I found out that Stuart (my cousin) and Tracee's baby was born at 4.07pm on Friday. 7lb, 8 oz, 49 cm. Noah Isaac Perry. I spoke to Stuart on Friday night and he souned happy, very proud of himself and exhausted.
Went with Mum to the Southern Highlands on Saturday. Was lovley, all the trees turning autumn colours and it was a lot warmer than I thought it would be. Didn't buy much, but I got some lovely jam and dukkah, I like dukkah. While we were there, got a message from Nicole Buchanon, she got engaged to 'a nice boy called Liam' (Fadgirl's words).
And then tonight, Fadgirl told me that a guy we know also got engaged. A bit of a surprise, but amusing.
My Aunty Ros told me about a job at the University of Wollong, Library Professional Cadet. It's a 3 year cadetship, where they want someone who is currently undergoing, or about to start the librarianship degree (and that's me!). and I have 2 years experience working in a library, and I really would love to work in the Uni library, it's a good library, with so much more possibilities than Macarthur. I like working at Macarthur, but advancement is not really possible. So I'm very determined to get at least an interview. Then I want the job. It's time for a change!
Oh yes, I agree with Fadgirl. Getting Fat Kids to hunt is wrong. and after they learn to hunt, what in the name of all that is strange, is going to happen! Fat Kids with nothing to stand in the way of them eating cats and dogs because they were too slow to get away from the chubbers.

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