I think Sarah has got it, but only a mild dose at the moment. I seem to have gone into overdrive and have about 500 things to get finished, most of them in the next week. Help!
Sarah made a sock monkey. I know, I'm quite proud of her. It looks very chubby and lumpy, but it's very charming. It's for her nephew Ryan. She's also making one for Jordan, the other one. Maybe. I'm not sure if that will happen, as she's working a lot now until Christmas.
And I got off work early today, again, but couldn't really move until now, and I can't even get the camera to get photos of the monkey because it wold be too tiring. Also, corecting spelling is hard.
Our tree is up too, but it's bigger than Little Crooked and it's not as well covered in ornaments. Ohw ell, smells great and looks lovely, if a little bendy. I think the top has to go, s gone all droopy. Should really check the water.
School is finished, teachers are gone now. tomorrow will be so relaxing at work. Shame I have hardly anything to do. Hmmm.
Tiredness. Seems to be a given this time of year.