Made this bag for Sarah, and it looks pretty damn good, I think. Felted it in the new front loader washing machine, which did a fantastic job! Next project which I am working on now, is little sheep for a mobile for Baby Girl Asta. I'm going to add a shepherd as well. So far, the sheep are oblong bundles of white, when I get more white, I'll add legs, a head and ears. Also wet felted some little balls which may turn into a planet/solar system mobile.
I made a little trip to Daisy Designs yesterday and got some black roving for the slippers that I'm going to attempt.
Made this tiramasu for Dad for Father's Day. Was/is yummy. Sarah even liked it, and she doesn't like coffee! Sarah likes it a lot I think, she keeps snacking on it, which is probably not so good...
Am going to institute a healthy regime for 14/4-6 Sperry St this week. Exercise, good healthy food and ridding the apartment of too much junk food. Summer is coming!